The Skinny



Gregg and I were sent to San Diego for a month to test software for Computer Associates. Our first night there we decided to do dinner. Computer Associates allows $30 a day for meals, so we paid for lunch on our own and opted for the liquid dinner (Beer, Beer and more Beer and some French Fries) Gregg was going thru his French Fry phase at this point. We started boozing at about 7:00pm or so, beer after beer went down. At this point Gregg and I are pretty fried, we start talking to this married couple who are a bit blitzed themselves. We bullshit for a while and they mention a beach nearby. We all hit the beach, the woman with us mentions skinny dipping and the next thing I know she and Gregg are naked running towards the ocean. I am on the beach keeping the husband occupied (no I am not a gay man) while Gregg is doing I donĘt know what with the woman.

Skinny dipping the first night, needless to say we were looking forward to the rest of the stay........